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Boiled red cherries with honey

Boiled Red Cherries with Honey

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Red cherries ripen in June. The delectable fruits not only have a sweet-tart taste, but are also high in nutritional value. They’re rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids with strong antioxidant effects that give the cherries their colour. Cherries also contain vitamin C, carotene, iron, and other nutrients. Note that cherries are super hot in nature, and it’s easy to create an internal imbalance by eating too many. 

This recipe for boiled red cherries is from the ancient text Mountain Home Light Diet. The idea is to remove the pits and boil the cherries in plum drink. Pound them into a puree, press into molds to form cakes, and drizzle with honey. This is a tasty treat that goes perfectly with sour plum drink.

Boiled Red Cherries with Honey ( serves 4 ) 


600g red cherries

120g sour plum drink

60g white sugar


1. Wash cherries and soak for 30 minutes.

2. Drain and remove pits. 

3. Boil sour plum drink.

4. Add cherries and cook until thick.

5. Add sugar, stir until dissolved.

6. Use a food processor to chop the cherry mix into 

    a fine paste. 

7. Pour into molds and refrigerate until firm.

8. Take out and arrange on a plate, spread with icing 

    or honey (can also serve with panna cotta or milk 



Discover more delicious recipes in our Food & Beverage section.

This story is from Magnifissance Issue 106

Issue 106
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