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A delicious white cod recipe

Slow-Cooked White Cod with Sour Plum Drink

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Low-heat cooking has seen a rise in popularity recently. This method preserves the flavours and nutrients of the ingredients to a greater extent than high-heat methods. That is why slow-cooking is such a good choice for a delicate meat like cod.  In this recipe, white cod is complemented by the flavour of sour plum drink, a yang-enhancing ingredient desirable in the summer months. The result is a healthy meal with no fishy smell, but rather a light fruity aroma. 

Slow-Cooked White Cod with Sour Plum Drink

( serves 4 ) 


4 x 150g 2½-cm-thick cod fillets

4g table salt

50g butter

4 tablespoons water

3g ginger paste

2 tablespoons sour plum drink

2 tablespoons steamed fish soy sauce

2 tablespoons rice wine soup

½ teaspoon dark soy sauce

½ teaspoon cornstarch


1. Rinse the white cod and pat dry with a paper towel.

2. Spread salt on cod.

3. Cut 40g of butter into small pieces, arrange evenly 

    on cod.

4. Put cod in a freezer bag and seal, vacuum the bag 

   (if no vacuum pump, slowly exhaust the air in the 

    bag another way). Heat in 52°C water for 25 minutes.

5. In a bowl, dissolve cornstarch in 4 tablespoons of water.

6. Heat ½ tablespoon oil in a pan over medium-high 

    heat. Add ginger, sour plum drink, steamed fish soy 

    sauce, rice wine, and dissolved cornstarch. Boil until 

    thick, set the sauce aside in a container.

7. Rinse pan and heat.

8. Add 10g butter.

9. Fry fish on both sides using medium-high heat 

    until golden, about 30 seconds each side.

10. Place on plate, pour the sauce over it, and serve.


Discover more delicious recipes in our Food & Beverage section.

This story is from Magnifissance Issue 106

Issue 106
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