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Let the Light In with Translucent Porcelain

Canadian ceramic artist Marie-Pierre Drolet crafts beautiful pieces infused with light, beauty, and philosophy.

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“Beauty and light are divine attributes. If you let beauty sink in, it can transform you. The beauty of my porcelain comes from the light,” ceramic artist Marie-Pierre Drolet says.

A master of translucent porcelain, the Canadian artist crafts delicate sculptures with an ethereal quality, infusing otherwise solid pieces with radiance. Luminous tiles channel sunlight through gossamer-thin surfaces and intricate cut-out patterns, while ornate vases flicker and glow, lit from within by candles.

Divine spark

Drolet applies a philosophical approach to her creative process that’s as elevated as the forms she shapes on her potter’s wheel. For her, translucent porcelain offers a means of transcending the distractions of today’s materialist world and communicating with something altogether higher.

“My belief is that we all have a light—a divine spark—buried inside of us that we need to free,” Drolet says. She likens her translucent vases to human beings, saying that both have the ability to shine from within, given the opportunity.

“When people see my porcelain, I hope that their beauty and light will awaken something within themselves, so they feel the need to get that connection back. I want to speak to people’s souls,” she says.


An assortment of Drolet ’s translucent porcelain creations. Tiles are often ornate and meticulously structured, while vases are crafted with more organic, free-flowing shapes.

Transformed by nature

In addition to translucent sculptures, Drolet makes utility pottery such as cups, bowls, and dishes, as well as special commissions. The themes of nature and the elements frequently recur in her work.

“Pottery is one of the only arts that uses the four elements: water, earth, air, and fire,” Drolet says. “Fire is especially fascinating because it’s in fire that the matter is transformed into something new. Something magical happens during the process of firing.”

Order the Magnifissance print edition to read the full story.

This story is from Magnifissance Issue 118

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